Pietà between Saints John the Evangelist and Magdalene
Pietro Vannucci known as Il Perugino ⠂Spello

Name: Pietà between Saints John the Evangelist and Magdalene
Year: 1522
Technique: fresco
Dimensions: 163×155 cm
Storage place: Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore
City: Spello
Area: GAL Valle Umbra e Sibillini
Curiosità: Commissioned in 1521 by a certain Michelangelo Andine of Spello, destined to a non specified church in the town of Spello. It was then transferred onto canvas and taken to the mother church dedicated to Santa Maria Maggiore. Il Perugino suffered from problems with his eye sight, which is why the absence of minimal details are easily noticed and typical for this artist’s work.
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